Unreal Development Kit

a Desert Eagle Low Poly Model
G36 Model untextured

a SwissArmyKnife made with help of Digital Tutors in 3ds Max.

My first Model... not the world but I am proud of these :)     

 so just finsihed the indoor room of my ruin.

I have finished the Eat3d tutorial. Hope it looks great.

I played a little bit with the foliage package and built a pretty little ruin.
The Inside Rooms will follow when i have finished them.

a little scene of a room. I find the interaction between the color yellow and blue nice.

 Today I was busy with post-processed and assembled to a test level from the standard UDK content. Just once a "cold" and a "warm" level.


The first part of Eat3d Unreal VFX ....